Attention Coaches, Faith Leaders, & Self-Help Authors who know you're supposed to help bring transformation in the lives of a specific group of people

Niche & Messaging Doubts?

Let's Clarify Your Offer in a 1-on-1 Strategy Session

Are you 100% confident in your niche, or is there a tiny voice inside questioning if you’ve truly found your sweet spot?

What might finally shift if you had total clarity around your niche, offers and messaging?

In the business worlds of coaching and leadership, one truth stands clear: your niche is your compass to fulfilling your purpose, and ensuring time freedom and profits.

But what if the compass is slightly off, leading you astray without you even realizing it?

It's easy to lose oneself amid generic advice and one-size-fits-all solutions.

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Your voice, your vision, and your niche are uniquely yours, and they deserve undivided, tailored attention.

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"I had the great pleasure of working with Jacqueline when seeking to develop my life coaching practice. Her thorough approach, and ability to use her various experiences in marketing to develop my practice was immeasurable! I was able to get clarity for understanding my audience, how to speak their language, set up my first course, and get a solid marketing plan to kickstart my coaching practice. I strongly recommend Ms. Hill for anybody that is seeking to create their own reality, one day at a time." R. Olivas

I'm excited to provide you with a 1:1 high-impact Niche Authority Audit, so you can stop second-guessing yourself and accelerate growth.

But why 1:1 vs. Niche Group Coaching & 5, 7-Day Challenges

Unlike a group program, my 1:1 audit dives deep into your specific business challenges and goals.

I don't offer a one-size-fits-all approach - you get tailored insights and strategic recommendations.

This is not just theory either - you'll get an actionable plan customized to where you are now, what you offer and detailed next steps.

In a single focused session, we can uncover obstacles, identify opportunities, and map out a niche growth plan based on extensive auditing and experience.

A group setting limits time spent focused on your business. Challenges provide pieces but lack the comprehensive audit and ongoing support.

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An intensive, laser-focused session designed to align your vision, values, and voice, ensuring you resonate powerfully and authentically with your ideal audience.

Are you ready to finally gain the clarity and confidence needed to consistently attract your ideal clients?

I'm excited to provide you with a high-impact 60-minute Niche Authority Audit, so you can stop second-guessing yourself and accelerate growth.

Here's what we'll cover during your Audit:

Lesson 1 A thorough audit of your current content and messaging - I'll review your website, ads, social media, and or current offers, etc. and highlight what's working along with opportunities.

Lesson 2 A deep dive into refining your client avatar - We'll analyze your current audience and pinpoint your ideal niche using data and psychographics.

Lesson 3 Evaluation of your unique value proposition - I'll assess your current positioning and help craft messaging that resonates.

Lesson 4 An action plan you can implement right away - You'll get a prioritized list of next steps, recommended assets to create, and execution strategies.

Lesson 5 Q&A and customization - We'll ensure all guidance is tailored to the specifics of your business, niche, and goals.

You'll walk away with absolute clarity on your niche, positioning, and a clear roadmap of action steps to take.

This will allow you to start attracting your dream clients quickly.

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"Jacqueline's 1:1 process compares to none. I cannot thank her enough. Our meeting granted exactly the clarity needed to execute my coaching business launch. Really, the session exceeded expectations and reaffirmed the value of intentional professional coaching. I struggled a lot with my value proposition, messaging and how much to niche in the market. Her coaching questions alone helped me to better dial into whom I am supposed to serve. She is a teacher for certain because she dives deep into how to position for the marketplace, launch and make sales," R. Edwards

So... Are you ready for:

Crystal Clear Clarity and Swift Progress: Transition from a maze of uncertainty to having a laser-focused roadmap. Save months or even years of struggle and overwhelm by being handed a tailor-made growth plan. This precision empowers you to navigate the coaching landscape with unwavering confidence and purpose.

Magnetic Resonance and Profitable Potential: Elevate your messaging from being merely heard to deeply felt, creating an authentic connection with your ideal audience. With this bond, discover untapped revenue opportunities and craft offers your dream clients won't just want, but will eagerly pay for.

Accelerated Growth and Expert Guidance: Avoid the pitfalls that trip up so many by getting an expert's view of what's working and what's not in your business. This isn't just about growth, it's about smart, sustainable growth. By defining your niche authority, confidently scale your revenue, positioning yourself as the go-to expert.

Efficiency and Elevated Focus: Dive into the business of making impactful decisions rather than being bogged down by mundane tasks. Work on your business, not just in it. Streamline your efforts, avoid burnout, and ensure every action taken serves your ideal audience, preventing wasted time and resources on misaligned activities.

But, Jacqueline, I still have some concerns...

"Can I figure it out alone?" Possibly. But think of this 1:1 as a shortcut, a fast track. Why wade through uncertainty when you can have a clear roadmap handed to you?

"Is this just another generic product?" Absolutely not. Every minute of this audit is customized, based on your content, your niche, and your challenges. No two audits are the same.

"Will this be valuable enough?" Quality over quantity. One hour of tailored insights could surpass hours of generalized group coaching. Plus, the action plan ensures you can implement the learning immediately.

"Will my niche be understood?" That's the beauty of 1:1. It allows us the time and space to truly 'get' your business, ensuring recommendations are spot-on for your unique niche.

"Isn't free advice good enough?" Generic advice has its place, but when it comes to niche alignment, precision is key. This audit offers insights you won't find in any free guide.

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Hi, I am Jacqueline T. Hill

Marketing Coach & Strategist

Fellow Coach,

I’m Jacqueline T. Hill and I am a marketing expert who has helped numerous coaches, authors, leaders and brands of all sizes find their ideal clients, increase exposure, and ultimately profit from irresistible offers.

As an expert marketer, I possess over 15 years of marketing experience and regularly offer tons of strategic advice to help you earn more from your coaching business.

I look forward to helping you with profits on purpose from your works!

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